Adapting the F. Scott Fitzgerald short story, "The Sensible Thing,"
Recent Fitzgerald and Gatsby Coverage
"F. Scott Fitzgerald was a fan of John Keats" writes Festival member Radhika Iyer who won first place this August at the Utah League of Writers Contest.
"Legend has it that when Fitzgerald sat down to write, he had Keats’s poem, “Ode to a Nightingale” laid out in front of him. Traces of Keats’s poetry flow through his many scenes, including this one from The Great Gatsby:
‘“He lit Daisy’s cigarette from a trembling match, and sat down with her on a couch far across the room, where there was no light save what the gleaming floor bounced in from the hall.”
One feels the same sombre energy in the following lines from the Ode:
"Already with thee! tender is the night,
And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne,
Cluster’d around by all her starry Fays;
But here there is no light,
Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown
Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways.
In his letters to his daughter Scottie, Fitzgerald urged her to ingest Keats if she wanted to be a good writer. And that is what I wanted to be too. A good writer."
Read Iyer's full article here.
Ron Charles (of The Washington Post) reviews and loves the latest in"Gatsby" adaptations.
Nghi Vo’s demonic adaptation of ‘The Great Gatsby’ might be — gasp — jazzier than the original.

"She was something desirable and rare that he had fought for and made his own, But never again, an intangible whisper in the dusk, or on the breeze of night, There are all kinds of love in the world, but never the same love twice."
F. Scott Fitzgerald, from "The Sensible Thing"
Read about how writer/director Elise Robertson set out to adapt the F. Scott Fitzgerald short story, "The Sensible Thing".

The Great Gatsby is synonymous with parties, glitz and glamour – but this is just one of many misunderstandings about the book that began from its first publication.
"Of all the reviews, even the most enthusiastic, not one had the slightest idea what the book was about" – F Scott Fitzgerald
Read a BBC article: The world's most misunderstood novel