2023 Short Story Contest
for members.
The 2023 Short Story Contest Submissions CONTEST CLOSES JUNE 30.
All entries MUST follow the format described below. But there are separate eligibility requirements for students and adults.
- There are no restrictions on subject matter.
-Entries must be typed, 10 point or 12 point sized font, double-spaced, no more than 26 lines per page, one-inch margins and numbered pages.
-All stories must be fewer than 4,000 words and unpublished
-Writer's name should NOT appear on the first page.
Place a title on the first page.
The writer's name should NOT appear on subsequent pages of the story. Any identifying information included on the cover page will be removed and a number will be assigned to the entry before it is sent to the judges.
-Entries will be judged and will not be returned.
-First prize for adult competition is $1000 and an invitation to speak briefly about the story as part of the 26th annual F. Scott Fitzgerald Literary Festival in October 2022.
-Two runner-up prizes of $250 each will be awarded at the festival.
The winning entries will be available online.
An entry fee is waived if you are an F. Scott Fitzgerald Literary Conference Inc., member as of January 2023.
2023 Festival members do not need to pay an entrance fee for the short story contest.